You can decorate any country site, even very small, with the help of a water garden. It is not necessary to acquire the basis in the store, you can make it by yourself. To create such a garden with your own hands will take a little time, and the cost will be minimal in this case. You can make a garden of small size, so it does not take up much space on the territory and at the same time is mobile.

Depending on your duration of your garden and backyard your bridge can be anyplace from three to twenty feet. Small Garden Fountains Ideas Garden supply shops are the good places to purchase garden fountains. Related Posts:Garden Design Ideas Fountain Ideas Pond Design Ideas Backyard Fountain Ideas Patio Fountain IdeasThis entry was posted in Garden Fountain Ideas and tagged Garden Fountain Ideas, Garden Ponds Ideas, Garden Waterfall Ideas, Outdoor Fountain Ideas, Water Fountain Ideas.
Water garden to be able to transport should be small in size, for example, 800x400x250 millimeters. It can be made of boards available in the dacha, such as cedar, fir or pine board of thickness of 25 millimeters. If desired, the size of your water garden can be increased, but the too large size of such product does not allow to move it from place to place due to the fact that the body of the water garden can be tough enough.
Creating a water garden
At the marked bottom of the box should be established a board separator. The ratio of water and earth stations, you can choose any, for example, 3: 1. For the tightness of the internal compartments of a water garden, you will need plastic liners that you can make yourself or use the ready ones. The easiest way – is to miss the compartments several times with hermetic. Just be careful if you are going to have fish in the water part, the used sealant must be suitable for such use and must not be toxic.
Fill in the dry bay of a water garden. To do this, you need to drill holes for drainage in the bottom of this compartment, then fill it with the soil. If the alleged plants for planting have different requirements for care, it is necessary to place them in separate containers.
To plant aquatic plants, the bottom compartment is required to be put with bricks. This will allow placing the containers with plants below the water level of about 5 centimeters. As containers can be used, ordinary flower pots or plastic bottles, cut to the required size. Tanks are filled with earth, short of about 2 cm to the edge. In soil are planted plants, and the land on top is sprinkled with small pebbles. Decorative elements can supplement the aqueous part. If you decide to breed fish, then you can put into the water algae, which are sold in any pet store, for extra producing of the oxygen necessary for fishes.