The living-room is the center of any house or apartment. Therefore, it is usually the largest and the most spacious room of the house. As a rule, this room is intended not only for the guests’ reception, but also for the family rest. So, the living-room must be functional, and its interior design must combine stylishness, comfort, luxury and practicality. The comfortable environment should match your tastes, and your guests should feel themselves comfortable and relaxed.

There are many options for realization of the living-room interior. But you can also think out your own variant of decoration. Living-room is the place where you can realize any of your ideas without limiting yourself to the functional requirements, applied to the other rooms. If you wish, you can perform the living-room interior in a single style. But you can also divide it into zones, each of which has its own functional purpose. It’ll make each separate member of your family feel more comfortable.

The living-room unites and links together all the rooms of the house. It’s a room where the house owners spend the major part of their life.

Decorating the living-room, you can realize the most daring ideas, as the living-room represents the great field for experiments. In this room you can combine various architectural and design forms. The main thing is that everything goes well together, matches a single style and doesn’t break the harmony of interior.

Developing the living-room interior, you must aim to create the place filled with comfort and coziness. It must be not only functional and comfortable, but also give the aesthetic pleasure. The living-room is just the place to relax and communicate with friends and family.

Creating the living-room equipment, take into account the taste, style and comfort. The furniture can be of any kind. The main thing is that it creates the atmosphere of rest and relaxation. The color score depends only on the house owner’s taste. Performing the decoration of your living-room, don’t encumber the space with decorative elements or stucco molding, as they reduce the space.