For most of us garden fountains are associated with luxury, which is available only for very wealthy people. This is nothing more than a delusion, because today a hydraulic miracle also known as a garden fountain is a quite affordable thing for a person with average income.
Backyard fountain is the crown of the entire landscape ensemble, the eye-catching central point. By only one decorative function, which is capable to transform the entire garden space, the role is not limited to the fountain. Since ancient times, people have been aware of the positive effects of running water on the mental and emotional state. Falling water jets relieve stress, soothe, appease and put thoughts in order. And they can just captivate and fascinate, because you can look at water, just as at a fire, endlessly. In our technological urbanized time oversaturated with stress, chaos and bustle, it is so important to have a place full of beauty and harmony where you can unburden yourself, restore mental and physical strength. Decorative fountains for the backyard will help to create such “places of power”. In addition, they are also perfectly moisturizing the air that is simply irreplaceable in the hot summer days.
Previously, when for the fountain installing it was necessary to lay a complex system of pipes, it was not a cheap pleasure, but also a quite troublesome one. Modern fountains for the garden do not need a connection to the centralized water supply system, and their operation is simple and straightforward. The main thing that you will need is a tank filled with water and electrical pump. As a ‘tank’ a natural or artificial reservoir, pond or pool can be used. For a very compact fountain the minimum dimensions of a pool should equal 1,2 × 1,5 meters at the appropriate depth of 1 to 1.3 meters.
All the water that is ‘thrown’ goes back to the main pool, so the width of the pond should be relevant, otherwise your fountain will soon have nothing to flow. Maximum dimensions are almost unlimited, and depend solely on the capabilities of the owner. It should, however, take into account that to maintain a fountain, located in a large basin is much easier than the small one: it needs to be cleaned rarely and it is a more viable option for the ecological balance of the pond. Fountains can be equipped with two types of water pumps:
Drowned pump – is located in the center of the pool under water and works on the principle of a centrifuge. It is easy to use, cheap and reliable.
The pump on the surface – is set on the edge of the pool and is mainly used for maintenance of large fountains and cascading waterfalls.
If the area of a backyard is limited, but you still want to have a fountain, then you should consider purchasing the ready-made mini-fountain.