Curtains for the bedroom – an important detail of the interior, functional and aesthetic. Assortment of curtains is huge, so before you choose curtains for the bedroom, you must decide what purpose they will serve.

Curtains for the bedroom in the classic sense – is dense, often bilateral, curtains, whose purpose – to conceal the bedroom from the prying eyes and not transmit light. However, their aesthetic role is important too, because they are part of the interior room and designed to create harmony and comfort, both open and closed.

Before you choose curtains for the bedroom, measure the height and width of your window, decide whether the cornice will be located only above the window opening, or you use the entire width of the wall with a window. You also need to think in advance the type of cornice. Cornice can be ceiling, string, sucker rod, with mechanism of lifting or lowering, opening and closing of curtains.

If you do not want to burden the interior of your bedroom with blackout curtains, you can use a roll, Roman shade or blinds. Then in the afternoon, roll curtain for the bedroom is discreetly hidden in the eaves, and at night will be a reliable protector from the light of lanterns and prying eyes.

Owners of apartments in old houses are concerned about how to choose curtains for the bedroom with a small window. In fact, there is no problem, because the decoration of small windows can also be done with imagination.

If you select roll, or Roman shades for the bedroom – avoid boring faded colors, on the contrary, let the curtain will be a bright spot in the bedroom. Also relevant is the use of horizontal color separation and a large figure.

The narrow window can be visually expand using asymmetrical curtains and selecting short curtains for the bedroom. Well in this case will look curtains with horizontal division. Moreover, the lower part of these curtains should match in color to the color of the walls, and the top – to be a contrast or a darker color.

Classic method in the design is a combination of design of curtains for the bedroom and the rest of textiles in the room: bedspreads, decorative pillows, upholstery. It’s sure version for creating a harmonious interior.