The ripening of hedgehogs

1. The hedgehogs grow to their maximal size in a month. The size of hedgehog depends on the quantity of seeds, contained inside, and the genetical inheritance from parents.
2. Let the hedgehog ripen and dry on the pistillate parent.
3. After the hedgehog has dried completely, remove it from the pistillate parent and keep it in a dry warm place for several days.
After drying, you can sow the seeds at once or place them in storage. If you’re going to sow them after a while, store them in the hedgehog. Place the hedgehog into the container or small bottle. Don’t forget to mark the date.

Seed germination

1. The seeds need closed container with high humidity for germinating. For this purpose, you can use transparent plastic food container. If necessary, you can use elastic to fasten two parts of container. It is also possible to use other transparent closed containers for germinating.
2. You can make the compound for germinating, using different materials. For example, the small fraction of vermiculite with the addition of pearlite is advisable. You can also use your favorite compound for germinating of leaf cutting. The main thing is that it doesn’t contain too large particles, able to block the growth of seedlings.
3. It is desirable to sterilize the substrate for germinating, to eliminate the possibility of fungus diseases.
4. Open the hedgehog over a small sheet of paper, where you pre-laid the fold.
5. The viable seeds are small. They’re black and shining by sight. The seeds of light brown or dull color come up very rarely.
6. Sow the seeds evenly over the substrate surface with the help of paper fold. The addition of a small amount of sand will prevent the thickened sowing.
7. Moisten the seeds carefully by spraying. The excessive moistening stimulates the growth of seaweed, stifling the sowings.
8. Make sure that you marked the container. You should indicate the origin of seeds and the date of sowing.
9. Place the container under the bright light. The bottom heating also promotes the fast germinating. For this purpose, you must place the hedgehog on the shelf over the lamp, lighting the underlying shelf of the rack.
10. The growths of the viable seeds appear on the 7-28 day after the sowing, but some seeds need more time.