The lighting of garden-plot performs two functions: practical and aesthetic. The main task of garden-plot lighting is to ensure the safety of movement at night. As for the aesthetic function of landscape lighting, it is necessary for the creation of comfortable visual environment in the garden.
It is better to trust the professionals to install the lighting system on the garden-plot. They will offer the optimal option subject to the rules of composition. The experts in the field of landscape lighting use some certain methods in their work. They are listed below.
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Flood lighting
This kind of lighting is used on the subsidiary areas or along the perimeter of the plot. The light source is the floodlight, situated on the high support. It is very good to use at the entrance on the plot territory. By the short-term floodlight engaging (for example, for a time of car parking), the problem of dazzling effect is removed.
General lighting
It is used for the lighting of garden or park paths and recreation areas. There is a broad assortment of lamps, used for this kind of lighting. They represent high crowning lamps. The customers can choose plafonds of any color, size and height they like.
Marking lighting
This method is used not for the lighting but for the marking of contours. Using it, you can achieve certain visual effect: outline the borders of highways and walking paths, create the light contour, and indicate the moving direction. To provide the marking lighting, you’ll need a lot of means, for example, bollards- luminous poles of half-meter height, upturned starry sky of optical fiber, etc. An essential requirement to all lamps is their protection from mechanical damages.
The most common method of landscape lighting is the illumination of small architectural forms. It adds the garden-plot unforgettable view. For this purpose you need to use at least two kinds of lighting. From below the object is lighted with floodlight, mounted on the high portable pole. For the upper illumination you can use the lighting instruments, harmless to the plants. Using this kind of light you must make sure that the lighting instruments are invisible.
Using modern lighting system, you can create different lighting effects, special mood and emotions.