Starting point of any research is a problem. In general terms, writing a good research proposal is a discrepancy, contradiction between the desired and actual.

The problem in theoretical studies has dominant epistemological (cognitive) component: this discrepancy between the achieved and desired level of knowledge about political processes and phenomena, their functioning regularities and the relationships between them.

Reflection process and formulation of the research paper proposal is inseparable from the definition of object and subject of the study: the problem becomes subject to the decision only if it is recognized in a particular political phenomenon, or process.

Objects and subjects of research proposal.

The object of study is something that attracts the cognitive process. There may be political institutions, social groups, political elites, etc. The qualitative research proposal refers to those characteristics and object properties which the researcher is interested in the highest degree, which they study directly.

According the problem definition, object and subject of research we should determine logically its goal and objectives. Research proposal writers determine the goal as planned, expected result, which you achieve by cognitive activity means within the undertaken study framework. In the case of theoretical study the definition of goal contains level of knowledge, degree of coping with uncertainty, which must be attained by results of work. In the case of applied work the aim is to identify solutions to specific political problems.

Objectives are those interim results of the project that you must obtain to achieve a common research goal. They are always more specific than a goal and are subordinated to it. In complex projects goal and objectives form a multi-level hierarchical design. When there is plurality of tasks you may require specific methods of ordering the relations between them, including formalized ones. While planning there is a special technique of construction “objectives tree”, which allows describing separate tasks and levels of tasks in language of mathematics and formal logic.

In most cases, such complex approaches are required to write research proposal, especially because it is extremely difficult (and as a rule, not necessary) at the software stage to formulate absolutely all the study objectives.

It is important to clearly define the goal as “strategic backbone” of research process and use research proposal help to understand the main tasks, indicating the main areas of work. You can do this often only after the selection of theoretical angle of view on the raised issue. Our service offers help in preparing scientific works and studies, we use modern scientific approaches and perform highly professional work.