We all love to come back often to the country, or to get away from the bustle of the capital in a country cottage. And, as a rule, the only convenient and comfortable means of transportation in these situations is our car. Keeping the iron horse under a blazing sun is not the best option. And the only solution is the construction of a canopy.
Canopies for cars have long lost the status of luxury attribute acquiring an extremely practical sense. A ubiquitous constructivism add to this architectural object extra functions. So, many will agree that being out of town you do not want to hide the natural beauty under the roof of a country house at all. With the same success you could sit and watch television in your apartment. But to build a gazebo for yourself and along with it for your car is a great alternative.
Car canopies usually have simple and practical design. The metal frame consists of the supporting pillars and metal profiles, on which the coating is fixed. Polycarbonate, profiled sheeting or EZ are used as a protective bed. Selection of the coating depends on the customer, because these materials have sufficient strength to withstand the layer of snow, rain blows, frost and heat. But most of clients choose polycarbonate, because profiled sheeting and EZ are more sonorous on impact. That is, they emit a loud and sonorous sound when raindrops are falling. Polycarbonate is convenient because the light material is not exposed to ultraviolet light and moisture. The metal coating is offered, if it fits better to the style of the adjacent buildings. The canopies at the market can be of economy variant or the elite class. The latter is often used as a cover in front of the entrance to the garage. In the case of manufacturing a solid and presentable canopy, it can be decorated with elements of forging. It can act as a finish pillars. Also, elements of forging further protect the coating from damage on impact.
If you leave your car in the open air, there will be the need for frequent cleaning it from the effects of natural sediment, leaves, dirt, dust and waste products of some fauna representatives. The materials from which tents have been made until recently have some disadvantages too, such as the impossibility of resistance to ultraviolet rays, which is no good effect on the “health” of the car. Polycarbonate also has excellent flexibility, strength and a very reasonable price.
And most importantly, polycarbonate car canopies perform an excellent alternative to full-fledged garages. And by the construction time they will even surpass garages.