Often it happens that our desires are beyond the capabilities. And then it turns out that the idea of creating a small backyard, garden and several necessary outbuildings is facing objective difficulties: for all these plans you simply do not have enough space. How can you act in this case, designing a modest space and realizing that it all was started for? After all, land was bought to escape from the city and be close to nature. So even if you have only small garden, let it be that way.

The art of a small garden design is that the space is increased, first of all in mind of the person who stands there. You cannot turn something small into something big, but you can make the viewer to impress that there is a lot of space around him or her, you can and should do it. This effect is achieved by different methods.

Even the smallest garden can’t do without trees. If you like big trees, the size of the site should not dictate the rules of life. You want to plant trees, don’t you? Let it be! Just imagine what a delightful coolness its luxurious spreading crown will give you on a hot summer day. You can put the tree in the middle of the garden site, and to plan a relaxation area directly under it.

If you use a circular layout, surrounding yourself with greenery all around, even if it’s just a fence entwined with greenery, you will have an impression of the stay in the large garden. From the center of the garden there is an excellent opportunity to review: you can perfectly plan “minimized” space round about yourself.

Put an ordinary bench next to the fence and build a blossoming high arch right over it, entwined with roses. If you take a seat on the bench now there will be a full sense of a spacious garden stretching around you and you’re inside it. Methods of creating a wild and slightly neglected garden are always effective in areas where space is limited.

It is better to do planting on the cascade principle, when the small plants in flower pots are put to the fore. The size of the plant is increased gradually. High flowers, bushes and stunted trees may be placed in pots or even barrels. With cascade design it is easy to create the effect, when the eye of the observer slides up diagonally. A similar result can be achieved using vertical gardens.

Another unusual idea that is seldom realized: you can find a wonderful place for the beautiful landscaping directly on the roof of garden buildings. This method allows you to simultaneously solve two problems. First, it is creating a new platform for planting, and, secondly, it provides excellent additional insulation of the roof. Even in the heat it will be kept cool inside the building. Finally, it’s just beautiful!