After a child birth the whole family buys all the necessary things and care articles for the baby. Recently, the new mums and dads often face with such a question: is it necessary to buy a changing table or one can do with improvised means (like chest of drawers or writing-table)? And if you decided to buy the changing table, which model you have to choose?

Comfort or unnecessary piece of furniture?

Many parents don’t have a clear idea of the changing table. But if you go to the specialty store or resort to the help of Internet, you’ll see the variety of changing table models, offered us nowadays.

There are both classic changing tables, and the models including dressers, bathtubs, a lot of cases and trays. Such multifunctional changing tables can be used for the storage of child’s linen and hygiene products, which you need to have at hand by its swaddling. The advantage of classic changing table is that it can be adjusted to the mother’s height. So, you won’t have to curve you back when swaddling the baby.

The model of baby changing table must be chosen depending on the space assigned for it in the child’s room. The changing board will take the least space, and the multifunctional changing table organizer with in-built bathtub- much more. The changing tables are often equipped with special wheels, allowing its moving from place to place.

The choice of changing table

Choosing the changing table, you should predetermine, what exactly you want to have, and which qualities of this or that model you find especially important. The comfortable changing table must be steady and match the mother’s height- these are the key conditions.
You must also pay attention to the safety of changing table: there mustn’t be any constructions above its surface; if the table is folding, make sure, that it fastens properly by unfolding; check if the storing spaces for cream and other hygienic products are situated out of child’s reach. Another safety condition is the manufacturing material of changing table. It must be made of wood and covered with safe plain material.

Then check how comfortable this model is (if you can put everything necessary in it, how fast you can take it, if the drawers open easily, and if they have limiters).

A lot of parents are already convinced that changing table is a very comfortable device.