Snowball tree (or Viburnum opulus) is familiar to all. Hearing the word “snowball tree”, many people imagine the bush with healing red berries, ripening in autumn.

The decorative form of snowball tree, noticeable for its snow-white globe-shaped inflorescences, is quite widespread in the gardens and parks.

The appearance of Viburnum tinus differs greatly from that of the well-known Viburnum opulus, although botanically they are the closest relatives.

The decorative peculiarities of Viburnum opulus

Viburnum tinus is the evergreen bush from the Mediterranean countries, growing to 3-4 m under favorable conditions. This plant is used for planting of greenery in the gardens and streets.

The coriaceous oval elongated leaves of Viburnum tinus (up to 12 cm long) slightly resemble Grecian laurel (Laurus nobilis).

The Viburnum tinus isn’t very frost-resistant (it can withstand up to 10 degrees of frost). Nevertheless, even in the hardest winters, the leaves and suckers of Viburnum tinus don’t get frost-bitten. Only its flowers suffer: they fade even with the slightest frost. The ovaries are much more resistant to the low temperatures and can withstand up to 5 degrees of frost.

Viburnum tinus has small flowers, gathered in the corymbose blossom clusters at the ends of suckers. Its elegant white or pinkish flowers with long stamens flower in any season. As a result, this plant species belong to the winter- blooming snowball trees. Only severe drought or frost can prevent Viburnum tinus from flowering. But under the favorable conditions, its flowering renews.

The fruits of Viburnum tinus mature in large quantities from August till November. They are very smart and visible from afar- bright blue with metal shimmer.

The bushes of Viburnum tinus are almost always covered with flowers and ripe fruits, adding this plant high decorative effect.

Viburnum tinus is very sun-loving and doesn’t like shading. So, it is necessary to locate it in a good light.

Viburnum tinus can be used in the planting of greenery as an individual plant. It also serves as a hedgerow, and is used for the creation of flower compositions in the background of the garden.