If you’re going to make a general repair, you should choose the most optimal ideas for the design of your apartment. It is very important that you imagine the result of the whole repair very clearly. It determines the work planning, the number of necessary building and finishing material, and the time spent on repair.

Your home is your character

The design of any apartment or house must reflect the character of its owners. The choice of color score, furniture and lighting- everything must be in tune with your sense of beauty, your mood and style of life. As you furnish your apartment for yourself, you must like it.


If you think that one or another detail will be suitable, and the textbooks on design tell the opposite- take a risk! Mostly, such design experiments breathe new life to the room, and there is no risk that the interior will look boring and uninteresting.

The principle of accents

To make the interior really stylish, you should add it the bright details- so-called “accents”, attracting the attention.

The principle of free space

No matter how well thought-out your design will be, it will seem cluttered up if there is no free space in it. That’s why the part of ceiling and walls must keep empty, without the “semantic load”.

The filling of corners

The empty corners in the accommodation create the feeling of incompleteness. So, it is better to fill them with the furniture, indoor plants, aquariums, cage for birds- anything blending with the general interior.

Color scores

If you can’t match a few details of interior in space, you can combine them with the common color score. It will help you to unite separate article by reducing them in a single system.

The principle of first impression

Think in advance, what is the first thing the one sees entering your room or house. If there is an empty wall before one’s eyes- decorate it with the mirror or picture.

These are only the main rules. However, they’ll help you to create the unique and unforgettable, but at the same time thought-out and comfortable design of your house or apartment.

Following these rules, as well as your own taste and style, you’ll bring comfort and coziness to your house.

No matter how good the ideas of room design in the Internet or design magazines are, remember: the main thing is that you and your family feel comfortable here.