Pergola is a charming representative of lattice “family” together with the arcs, trellises, summer-houses and sheds. The distinctive features of pergolas: the construction of small architectural forms is made in the form of openwork corridor of vertical supports, horizontal and arc-shaped elements.

What does pergola represents?

Classic pergola is the construction of several arcs, put together and joint with the latticed covering. Due to the elegant shape of constructions, an ordinary path turns into the element, inviting you to the fascinating walk deep into the garden.

The modern assortment of the openwork corridors is the main element of landscape design, notable for the variety of design decisions and variants of decoration.

The kinds of pergolas: popular decisions

The modern kinds of pergolas are intended for the providing of footpath between the parts of the garden, visual separation of recreation area and the creation of half-shade. Structurally, the pergolas consist of arcs, connected with each other. The modern pergola keeps the rich floristics- ampelous plants with runners or procumbent stems.

Structurally, the plainest pergola can be made of larch logs. Such inexpensive construction suits the lovers of country style and the owners of country-houses. More complicated kinds of pergolas, made up stone columns with carved oak crossbars, will decorate the landscape of the house in the noble style or the recreation area of the luxurious country estate. But they’ll require considerable expenses. The constructions are classified by several features:

  1. Form: fan-shaped, rounded or with fractures.
  2. Material: wooden, metal, plastic.
  3. Variant of location: separate building, construction with the fireplace, bench, swing, stage and hall.

The keeps of home- dear ladies prefer compact pergolas with benches or swing. The popular variant of landscape design of country-house is the creation off several recreation areas (for guest reception, housekeeping, rest and retirement, flower-beds) and the building of 2-3 pergolas at the angle or with insignificant breaks. Broken pathways, where the passages in the open air alternate with the plunging under the arcs is the perfect option for the creation of unusual space decisions.