It was always difficult for the women in flesh to find the good shop, proper size. And it is even more difficult to find something to their taste, which will help them to look well. Now, it’s time for these women to look stylish and fashionable!

There is a special term Plus Size, used for these women. It came from the West not so long ago. Plus Size relates to the women with 48 or bigger size. It’s not just a separate clothing line in the shop, but a direction of fashion and modeling. And the main thing is that it’s a certain class of customers! These are the women with beautiful and magnificent figure, symbolizing femininity. If you’re a possessor of Plus Size, you should be proud of it, like the women of 17th century.
The most important thing these women must remember- it is not necessary to hide your beauty in the loose overalls, like the half of the people. You must be special: unusually beautiful and elegant.

Some of the women’s Halloween costumes catch the imagination. For the modern beauties, this holday is a great occasion to show the power of women’s magic and charm.

Table of Contents

Vamp woman

To create the costume of vampire, you need short black décolleté dress. The costume can be completed with black tights or netting stockings and, of course, high-heeled shoes. You can make the high neck out of cardboard or substitute it with the beautiful lacy jabot. The costume can also be completed with the gloves. The manicure assumes long black or blood-red nails. The image of modern vampire became the personification of Gothic glamour with deadly pale skin, diffused make-up of the eyes and blood-red lips.

Cat woman

The black cat has long been considered the symbol of this holiday. Traditionally, the color of this costume is black, but the personal preferences are allowed. To make this costume, you’ll need the black polo-neck or top, short skirt or tight black trousers. The indispensable attributes of this image are ears and tail, which you can make with your own hand, using fur cuttings. The ears are fastened with the help of ordinary headband. The costume of cat can be varied with original black tights or stockings, the mask out of cardboard or lace. The suitable catlike make-up including pale skin and blood-red lips will complete the image.

There are many different images for Halloween, but you must remember that it’s not enough to put on the chosen costume. You must turn it to your advantage.