Choosing of baby strollers is a very important task. Take it very seriously, as the child will spend here a lot of time, so it must feel comfortable. But don’t forget about yourself.
Buying the baby stroller, take into account that it is you who will spend most of the time walking with the child.
And the uncomfortable baby stroller won’t let you give pleasure from the walks. There is a wide assortment of baby strollers in the shops. You can choose the suitable model, depending on the price, kind and design.
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But what must be taken into account when buying baby stroller?
Pay attention to the wheels. Firstly, the baby stroller must have four wheels, and not three, as some models. It is desirable that the wheels are big. Al this will give the baby stroller additional steadiness. Stand at the baby stroller for a while. Take it by the handle. It is better if the handle is adjustable for height and reversible. If you choose the baby stroller which can be transformed into the sitting model, make sure that the back can be dropped. After all, it is uncomfortable for the child to sleep in sitting position. The materials of interior finish must be natural. The baby stroller must be equipped with the hood and the leg cape of water-proof cloth. In addition, the baby stroller should be completed with the plastic waterproof case, protecting the child from bad weather. It is advisable that the basket or bag for products is completed with the baby stroller. Then it will be easier for you to do shopping. Measure the wheel skids in your doorway, to match the right size of landing gear. If the wheels won’t match, it can cause a lot of discomfort.
The useful functions of the baby stroller
1. The shock springs. These devices will help the mother to overcome all the obstacles. Don’t think that if you’ll walk only along the smooth roads. Don’t forget about the borders, steps, thresholds and other road troubles.
2. Several positions of the handle adjustment. It will allow you to roll the baby stroller with the maximal comfort for your hands and posture in general. And if your husband or mother will go for a walk, they’ll easily adjust the handle at their height.
3. The wheels of the car must be changeable (for summer and winter). The winter wheels are more massive and have antiskid rubber, allowing mother to walk easily in winter.
4. Several positions of the back. Some baby strollers have only two back positions: lying and sitting. Give preference to the models with three or more positions. When the child will grow, or will learn to sit, this function will be very useful.
Choose the right baby stroller, and the walk with your baby will give you a lot of pleasure!