After a delivery of a child the new mums and dads must go to the shop and buy it a baby carriage. You must take the choice of baby’s transport equipment seriously, as it will spend here a few hours daily. For a start, let’s find out what kinds of baby carriages are there.

The kinds of baby carriages

Let’s begin with the most popular baby carriages- cradle. By sight it a bulky construction with big wheels. Its advantage is that the baby sits high in the baby carriage, which makes it is easier for the mother to bend forward to it. Another advantage of these baby carriages is the removable cradle and the folding frame, which facilitates its transportation in the car. The big wheels allow rolling the baby carriage over the borders easily.

More compact and light option is a transformer-carriage. The transformers weight about 11 kg. They’re folded compact and take little space. The disadvantage is that it is constructed in such a way that the baby is less protected from wind and dust. The basket is located at a low altitude.

Another kind of baby carriages is the universal ones, so called “three in one”. In this option, you can equip one frame with the cradle/walking carriage/car seat. The universal baby carriage is perfect for the newborn, as at the installation of this carriage the baby is situated close enough to the mum. Besides, the baby is securely hidden from the bad weather. The elder children (from 8-9 months) can be replaced to the walking baby carriage. They are very light and compact, but have no other advantages. Their main disadvantage is that they are rather uncomfortable for the child to sleep.

Some years ago the three-wheeled baby carriages appeared on sale. The most popular model of the three-wheeled baby carriages is the walking carriage. Its main advantage is that when you ride cross-country you can raise the rear wheels and overpass the unpleasant part of the road on one front wheel. That’s why this carriage has a high maneuverability. In contrast to the other baby carriages, the three-wheeled models are equipped with handbrake, which gives the possibility to control the travelling speed at the time of descending. The wheel base of these carriages is quite broad which provides its steadiness.

Arm yourself with our tips, but don’t forget about your own taste! It often happens that the baby carriage you liked at first sight, will proved to be the best for your child. Good luck!