The climate of Thailand is characterized by a variety of weather conditions in different parts of the country in the same season.
There are two climatic types in Thailand: tropical monsoon climate in the south and south-east, and subtropical climate in the north. Such weather is noted for a seasonal change of tropical winds and relatively high air temperature all the year. On average, from May to the middle of November, the territory of Thailand is influenced by the summer monsoon and from November to February- by the winter one. Generally speaking, the climate of Thailand remains hot throughout the year.

The climate of the continental part of the country can be divided into 3 groups: the hot wet weather in summer, the hot, dry weather in autumn, and the warm, dry season in winter.

The flush period

It’s rather difficult to separate the only flush period for the whole Thailand. In total, the wet period lasts 6-8 months. The period of the most often showers falls at the end of August and ends in October.

The island Samui is the exception to the basic rules, as the season of the strongest tropical showers starts in December and lasts 2 months, while the burst of tourist season falls at August. Such “nature surprise” is caused by the fact that this picturesque island is situated in the special climatic zone. On Samui Island, the hot wet season lasts from May to December, while the driest period falls at the time from February to April.

As for Phuket, here the rain season starts in April and ends (as a rule) in November. The maximum precipitations fall in September. The “dry season” on the island last from December to March and most tourists prefer to visit the island in this season.

The island of Chang is characterized by much more significant precipitations than the other resorts of Thailand. However, the rain season lasts traditionally from May to October. The perfect time for the rest on this island is from November to March.

As for the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, there aren’t many precipitations from the beginning of November to March. The official rain season starts in April and lasts to October. The maximum quantity of rainy days is registered in September.

Of course, the weather in the rainy season can be unpredictable, but the most precipitations fall at night. And the strongest tropical showers are changed into the pleasant sunny weather in the morning. Such showers don’t last long (from 30 minutes to 2 hours). They also don’t cause many inconveniences to the tourists.